Capital Campaign GoFundMe Fundraiser
Donate here to support Grace Center’s dream
It is with great excitement that we announce Grace Center is buying our current building through our Here to Stay capital campaign, thus assuring that we will have a permanent home to serve our participants and their families! This site is strategically located with convenient access via a circular driveway for vans and small buses; has wide hallways and multiple oversized bathrooms to accommodate wheelchairs and handicapped individuals; includes ADA compliant shower facilities; and has separate rooms for exercise programs, music programs, massage therapy, woodworking, other craft activities, a full sized dining room, as well as quiet spaces for those who need to avoid excess external stimulation. A unique attribute that can not be easily duplicated elsewhere is a large fenced outdoor space for gardening, picnics, and raising chickens. Quite simply, there is nothing else in Corvallis that offers so much in one convenient location.
Owning our building will give us the luxury to remodel and update certain areas, allow implementation of new programs, and accommodate growth in the number of participants and staff without the concern of having to frequently renegotiate lease terms or possibly relocate at another time. This is a critical time in the history of Grace Center as an aging population will dictate an ever increasing demand for our services.
To date, we have finalized the terms of the sales contract, receiving zoning approval from the City of Corvallis, completed the needed infrastructure upgrades to the building, and have made the down payment. We are continuing to pay off the building in full through a bridge financing arrangement with original building owner Samaritan Health Services.
The Here to Stay capital campaign is made up of three phases:
- Phase I – “Acquisition” (purchase of the building) – currently fundraising
- Phase II – “Accessibility” (improving the accessibility of the building) – fully funded and complete!
- Phase III – “Expansion” (transforming unused space in current building into usable program space) – has not begun yet
We need YOUR help! Through the end of 2020, Grace Center has raised just over $800,000 for Phase I. The total goal of Phase I is $1,000,000 (purchase price of the building). Please consider making a donation and helping us raise the last 20% to go! Donate by clicking the link above or mailing a check to Grace Center with Capital Campaign in the memo. Please know that financial support from generous donors is critical in making Grace Center’s dream of owning our building a reality. Thank you for you support!
Memorial Courtyard to benefit the “Here To Stay” Campaign
Grace Center has created a memorial courtyard in the beautifully landscaped area to the right of our front doors as you enter Grace Center. This courtyard was the Grace Center participants’ idea as a way to raise funds for Grace Center’s Here to Stay capital campaign. Special features of the memorial courtyard include a flag pole to fly the American flag, benches with custom plaques, and custom etched paver stones personalized with your name or that of a loved one. You can add a special message such as “in honor of…”, “in memory of…”, or “a loving mother”. The courtyard will be a lasting symbol of your support of Grace Center and your love for family members and our country. Pavers and naming rights of the courtyard remain available. To learn more about naming rights of the courtyard, email the Outreach Coordinator at
To buy a paver: